Kamis, 17 Agustus 2017

Bingkang cassava from aceh

Bingkang cassava from aceh
Hasil gambar untuk bingkang singkong
Bingkang cassava, If some areas in Aceh often call it Bingkang Boh Ubi ataupun Ade. For Aceh today it is popular whose name Ade Kak Nah, However Ade Kak Nah it’s a Brand, There are also Bingkang cassava and also Bingkang Tepung. But now I share bingkang singkong Recipe, it's because I prefer Bingkang cassava.
 900 grams of grated cassava
 450 grams of grated coconut
 3 large eggs
 200 grams of sugar, may add if likes sweet
 250 ml of liquid milk
 1 tsp salt
160 grams of melted butter
How to Make
 Dissolve salt and sugar with milk
 Mix cassava and grated coconut
 Add the milk solution, mix well
 Add eggs, one by one, mix well
 Last add liquid butter, stir again
 Wear a muffin mold, the mold must be oiled, pour the dough in a baking pan, 3/4 full aja,
 Bake at 175'C, for 45 minutes,
 Remove from the oven, apply a mixture of egg yolk and a little milk, bake again for 10 minutes,
 If not yellow, may use fire over 5 minutes only
 Can also dough poured in a large pan that has been oiled, roasted for 45 minutes, remove from the oven, a mixture of egg yolks and a little milk, bake again for 10 minutes, if not yellow, may use fire over 5 minutes

Tips :

 If want mixed with grated cheese is also delicious you know
 Make as one-on-one omelets with teflon skillet, like making pancakes, also very tasty,
 Please experiment.

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