Sabtu, 12 Agustus 2017

The beauty of being a person who always zhikirullah

The beauty of being a person who always zhikirullah

Bismillahir-Rahmanir-Rahim ...
 Rasulullah SAW bersabda: "Inna Likuli Saiin soqola wainna soqolatal quluub dzikrullah”.
" .. Indeed everything there is a cleanser, there is pengkilatnya, there is a brush. The filthy cleanser of the heart, the stained conscience and the sinful liver of the heart is zhikrullah.

Every lafad dhikr cleanses dirt, sin, stains that we do. As soon as the dirt is lifted from the heart there is a nur in it, the nur that God gives us and then the nur is looking for nur hidayah, nur rahmat, nur maghfirah, nur ma'rifat, nur blessing from Allah.

What a beautiful heart that radiates the divine nur through dhikrullah and istighfar. Really, win, succeed, lucky people who purify themselves with dhikr and prayer except those who are deceived by the life of the world then he neglected from dhikr to him. Subhan Allah

Subhanallah walhamdulillah wala ilaha ilallahu Allahu Akbar ...

The universe is always dhikr to Him, sun, moon, stars, earth, particles, cells visible / not all dhikr to Him.

Allah says in Surah Al Hajr : 24:

"Glorify to him what is in the heavens and the earth."

Hasil gambar untuk I Love Allah SWT and Prophet Muhammad SAW

Ya Nabi salam alaika ..... ya rasul salam alaika.
Ya Habib salam alaika. Sholawatullah Alaika.

We love, we miss ya apostle. The person of dhikr, dhikr becomes his personality, God his purpose, the Messenger of Allah in his life, this world becomes heaven before the real heaven. Earth becomes a mosque for him, home, office and even hotel even though it becomes mushollah for him.

Where he stands, desks, bedrooms stretching for him. When he speaks, he speaks of the charge. If he dwells, the silence of dhikr. His breath is tasbih, his eyes full of God's merciful grace, his ears are awake, his mind is well suspected, not cynical, not pessimistic and do not like to convict, his heart Subhanallah secretly praying, his prayers quietly.

His hands are charitable, his feet are jihad, he does not want to step in vain, his power silahturahmi. His longing, erect God's sariat if it is the right goal then the patient and affectionate strategy. Asma Amamina, her highest ideals, the greatest of all in the way of Allah.

His busyness ............ he is just fun to improve himself is not interested in looking for shortcomings of others, and God really loves those who believe who always dhikr to Him. God prepares a glorious reward.
Subhan Allah ...................

It is not a loving lover to call his lover ..
It is not lovers happy to boast of his lover ..
Not a lover to be glad to be proud of his lover ...

The more love ............ the more mention of His name ......

Believers, his life is not to live, but his life to live, his life is not to die but it is death to live. He is not afraid to die, he does not seek death and he does not forget to die but just miss the dead.

Why ? Because death is not death because death is not the end in this life . but, the beginning of real life, because death is the only door to meet Him. Happiness for lovers of moments, seconds to meet Him, when meeting that is the happiness for those who believe who love God.

It is interesting, attend the Majlis Dzikir, reach the personality by always enjoying the best God's guidance dish. Dhikrullah (qs.Ala'raf 28 ..................
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